“This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No. 282767”
Overview / Workpackages


Workpackage 1
“Project Management” (UGOE)

Workpackage 2
“Development of new formulations and exploring synergistic actions of biocontrol products” (FHB)

Workpackage 3
“Assessment of the effects of new biocontrol products on the environment and the food chain” (UCPH)

Workpackage 4
“Testing the robustness of novel formulations as control strategies for soil pests in lab, integrated” (SU)

Workpackage 5
“Economic feasibility of the new biocontrol products” (TUM)

Workpackage 6
“Dissemination activities of product results” (ENE)

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